Phillip Terry Overview:

Actor, Phillip Terry, was born Frederick Henry Kormann on Mar 7, 1909 in San Francisco, CA. Terry died at the age of 84 on Feb 23, 1993 in Santa Barbara, CA .



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Phillip Terry Quotes:

Mr. Morton: [refering to handbill about protest rally] In our own printshop! On our own presses! How could this happen?
Printing Teacher: Well like I said, we're understaffed. Not a bad little job, but the spacing could be a little better here...
Mr. Morton: You may go!

Fred Grover: You never see a thing except what you want to see, do you?

Scot Webster: [Screaming to Dr. Perry] You want my brain after I'm dead?
[He laughs hysterically]
Scot Webster: Help yourself, mister! Help yourself!

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Phillip Terry Facts
Died at his home in Santa Barbara, was cremated, and his ashes scattered into the Pacific Ocean.

During WWII, he became a licensed pilot and owned a small plane. He could not enlist in the service because of of his extreme near-sightedness and due to knee injuries suffered in an oil field accident when he was younger. He did, however, take a job at an aircraft factory.

The 3rd husband of Joan Crawford.

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