Larry Storch Overview:

Character actor, Larry Storch, was born on Jan 8, 1923 in New York City, NY. Storch died at the age of 99 on Jul 8, 2022 in New York City, NY .



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Larry Storch Quotes:

[last lines]
Cool Cat: So cool it, now, ya hear?

Amigo: I like Indian girls; it's those half-brothers I don't like.

Amigo: Trench, he say Amigo should meet with you and ride out today. You're ready, yes?
Charlie Whitman: I ain't goin' till tomorrow... maybe not then, either.
Amigo: No, compadre. You're *going* today.
[Amigo kills Charlie]

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Larry Storch Facts
During WWII, Larry Storch served on a submarine tender, the USS Proteus, with Tony Curtis. They became lifelong friends. Storch and Curtis have appeared in 8 movies together, and, in 2003, both were in the (theatrical) musical version of Some Like It Hot (1959) that toured across the country!.

Started out as an M.C. in burlesque houses in New York. When television came along, many clubs closed because patrons were staying home to watch the new invention, so Storch started working in the new medium.

Stepfather of June Cross and Lynda Gravatt.

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