Larry Fine Overview:

Legendary actor, Larry Fine, was born Louis Feinberg on Oct 5, 1902 in Philadelphia, PA. Fine died at the age of 72 on Jan 24, 1975 in Woodland Hills, CA .



Fine was never nominated for an Academy Award.

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Larry Fine Quotes:

Moe: Hey, there's something funny going on around here... I got it, you know Shemp said he was coming back to Earth to haunt us.
Larry: Ah let him come, I ain't afraid of that fat head.
[Shemp hits Larry in the stomach and the head]
Larry: Moe, why'd you hit me for?
Moe: I didn't touch you.
Larry: That's what I was afraid of. Shemp's here! It's him! His ghost just hit me!

Count of Fife: [watching two men wrestle] I'll bet on the little guy.
Duke of Durham: How much?
Count of Fife: Three thousand guineas, two geese and a duck.
Duke of Durham: That's a fowl bet.
[Moe bonks Larry on the head]

Larry: [to Curly] When they find out you killed the mummy, they'll kill us!

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Larry Fine Facts
His son John died on November 17, 1961 in a car accident. He was 24 years old. His daughter Phyllis died of cancer in 1988. She was 60.

Is portrayed by Evan Handler in The Three Stooges (2000) (TV)

Father-in-law of Don Lamond, who appeared in several Stooges full-length features and also hosted the local Three Stooges Television Show in Los Angeles, California, in the late 1950s and early '60s (which helped give The Three Stooges careers a renaissance).

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