Karl Hardman Overview:

Producer, Karl Hardman, was born Karl Hardman Schon on Mar 22, 1927 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hardman died at the age of 80 on Sep 22, 2007 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania .



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Karl Hardman Quotes:

[Tom has just brought Judy up from the basement]
Harry Cooper: You gonna let them get her too, huh?

Ben: I'm telling you they can't get IN here!
Harry Cooper: And I'm telling you they turned over our car! We were damn lucky to get away at all! Now you're telling me these things can't get through a lousy pile of wood?

Harry Cooper: [referring to everybody else, who are all upstairs] Let them stay upstairs. Let them. Too many ways those monsters can get in here. We'll see who's right. We'll see, when they come begging me to let them in down here.
Helen Cooper: That's important, isn't it?
Harry Cooper: What?
Helen Cooper: To be right, everybody else to be wrong.
Harry Cooper: What do you mean by that?

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Karl Hardman Fact
Karl Hardman is the real-life father of Kyra Schon (he also played her father in the 1968 classic Night of the Living Dead (1968) )

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