Joi Lansing Overview:

Character actress, Joi Lansing, was born Joyce Renee Brown on Apr 6, 1929 in Salt Lake City, UT. Lansing died at the age of 43 on Aug 7, 1972 in Santa Monica, CA .


Joi Lansing was an attractive, buxom American actress with silky blonde hair -- a 'minor-league' Jayne Mansfield, but hotter on the wisecracks. She probably had more talent than most of her rivals on the sexpot scene, but lacked an aura of innocence. She had one or two B-movie leads (the last as late as 1969), but was mostly confined to cameos and minor roles. From 1951-1953, she was married to actor Lance Fuller (one of three husbands). She died of cancer at age 44.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



She was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

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Joi Lansing Facts
Measurements: 38 1/2-23-35 (on "The Bob Cummings Show" (1955)). (Source: Celebrity Sleuth magazine).

She was considered for a regular continuing character role in the "Adventures of Superman" (1952) TV series after the success of her role as "Superman's Wife" in the final season, filmed in the fall of 1957, but the series was canceled; she might have returned to the series in 1959-60 if only George Reeves had lived to make it.

Chicago Tribune columnist, Toni Remineh, was her press agent at one time.

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