Jeff York Overview:

Actor, Jeff York, was born Granville Owen Schofield on Mar 23, 1912 in Los Angeles, CA. York died at the age of 83 on Oct 11, 1995 in Woodland Hills, CA .



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Jeff York Quotes:

James Otis: [speaking at meeting] For we must fight this war, in meeting house and Congress and the halls of Parliament, as well as on the field! But what it's all about, you'll really never know. And yet it-it it's so much simpler than any of you think. We give all we have. We fight! We die, for a simple thing. Only that a man could stand.

Mike Fink: I can out-run, out-jump, out-sing, out-swim, out-dance, out-shoot, out-eat, out-drink...
Davy Crockett: Out-talk?
Mike Fink: Out-talk, out-cuss, out-fight anybody in the whole Mississippi and Ohio Rivers put together!

Mr. Drake: I have another plan, and I think it will work.
Terry Lee: We'll try anything - won't we, Pat?
Pat Ryan: Anything as long as it promises action.

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