Fritz Leiber Sr. Overview:

Character actor, Fritz Leiber Sr., was born Fritz Reuter Leiber on Jan 31, 1882 in Chicago, IL. Leiber Sr. died at the age of 67 on Oct 14, 1949 in Pacific Palisades, CA and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn (Glendale) Cemetery in Glendale, CA.


American Shakespearian actor with "noble Roman" profile, very dark hair, and piercing gaze. He played one or two distinguished roles in silents (including Julius Caesar in Cleopatra), then went back to the stage. He returned to Hollywood in 1935, white-haired but with profile in tact, for 15 years of austere character roles as abbots, doctors, and assorted saintly characters east and west, with so many wise aphorisms to hand that it hurt. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Fritz Leiber Sr. Facts
His son, SF writer Fritz Leiber Jr, wrote a funny (albeit confessional) story entitled "237 Talking Statues, etc.", inspired by his difficult relationship with his father, in which Francis LeGrand II is confronted by the statues and paintings of the title, all self-portraits of his father in various roles, with which he discusses his relationship with his father.

In one of his first films, he played Mercutio in a silent version of Romeo and Juliet (1916/II).

His son, future science-fiction writer Fritz Leiber Jr., appeared with him in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939).

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