Eleanor Bron Overview:

Actress, Eleanor Bron, was born on Mar 14, 1938 in Stanmore, England. As of December 2023, Eleanor Bron was 85 years old.



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Eleanor Bron Quotes:

Ahme: [to Ringo, holding a syringe] This will make your finger shrink. Be brave.
John: Don't look.
Ahme: [into the camera] Alas, if he were brave, this would not be necessary.

Ahme: He has three hours to live.
Paul: Say no more.
Ahme: I can say no more.

Hermione Roddice: Perhaps it's better to die than to live mechanically... a life that's repetition of repetition.

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Eleanor Bron Facts
Paul McCartney thought of her while writing "Eleanor Rigby".

Turned down the part of Emma Peel in "The Avengers" (1961).

Inspired the lyric idea for the Marillion song "Cover My Eyes".

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