David Tomlinson Overview:

Actor, David Tomlinson, was born David Cecil MacAlister Tomlinson on May 7, 1917 in Henley-on-Thames, England. Tomlinson died at the age of 83 on Jun 24, 2000 in Mursley, England and was laid to rest in Tomlinson Estate Grounds Cemetery in Mursley, England.



On 2002, Tomlinson received the Disney Legends Award for living up to the Disney principals of imagination, skill, discipline, craftsmanship and magic.

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David Tomlinson Quotes:

Mrs. Banks: As a matter of fact, since you hired Mary Poppins, the most extraordinary things seem to have come over the household.
Mr. Banks: Is that so?
Mrs. Banks: Take Ellen, for instance. She hasn't broken a dish all morning.
Mr. Banks: Really. Well, that is extraordinary.

Mrs. Banks: I'll try to do better next time.
Mr. Banks: Next time? My dear, you've engaged six nannies in the last four months. And they've all been unqualified disasters.

Mr. Banks: [singing] With tuppence for paper and strings, you can have your own set of wings! With your feet on the ground you're a bird in flight, with your fist holding tight to the string of your kite! Oh, oh, oh, let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height! Let's go fly a kite, and send it soaring! Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear! Oh, let's go... fly a kite!

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David Tomlinson Facts
Retired from acting in 1979.

During the last few years of his life, he became notorious around his home village of Mursley for flying very low in his Tiger Moth. On one occasion (actually in 1957 when he was much younger), he narrowly survived a crash landing in a field near his house.

Father of producer and 1st assistant director Henry Tomlinson and former actor James Adam Tomlinson.

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