Buddy Hackett Overview:

Character actor, Buddy Hackett, was born Leonard Hacker on Aug 31, 1924 in Brooklyn, NY. Hackett died at the age of 78 on Jun 30, 2003 in Los Angeles, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Live Performance. On 2003, Hackett received the Disney Legends Award for living up to the Disney principals of imagination, skill, discipline, craftsmanship and magic.

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Buddy Hackett Quotes:

Mr. Thorndyke: Good evening.
Tennessee Steinmetz: Sorry, the other rats are out for the evening!

Lennie Pike: It's buried under a big W. Say, what is a big W?
Ding Bell: When we find out, we'll send you a 'Wire'.
Benjy Benjamin: Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ding Bell: Hey. It's that hokey dentist.
Benjy Benjamin: Yeah.
Ding Bell: Pass that cab.
Second cab driver: What's the rush?
Ding Bell: What do you mean rush?
Benjy Benjamin: We ain't in any rush, we just wanna get there in a hurry.

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Buddy Hackett Facts
In 1953, gossip columns reported that Universal Pictures wanted to team Buddy Hackett with his friend, popular baritone Alan Dale, as their studio's answer to Paramount's box office sensations, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Nothing came of the idea because Dale preferred to remain a solo act. Hackett, however, did appear in Universal's Walking My Baby Back Home (1953) later that year.

Towards the end of his life, he was raising money for an animal shelter.

According to his commentary on "The Love Bug", he was offered $2000 a week to replace Curly of The Three Stooges. He refused.

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