Job Actor, television host, television producer, singer, president of the Screen Actors Guild
Top Roles Barry the paperboy, Fella at Age 11, Nick Burns / Wilbur Malcome Burns / Theodore Burns / Raphael Sabatini / Dr. Morris Fishbein / Woodrow Burns / Chevrolet Burns / Big Sam Burns / Lefty Burns, Steve Powell, Rob / American Rabbit
Top GenresComedy, Drama, Horror, Musical, Romance, Family
Top TopicsRomance (Drama), New York, Based on Play
Top Collaborators (Director), , , (Producer)
Shares birthday with Jane Fonda, Joe Mantell, Elinor Fair  see more..

Barry Gordon Overview:

Actor, Barry Gordon, was born on Dec 21, 1948 in Brookline, MA. As of December 2023, Barry Gordon was 75 years old.



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Barry Gordon Quotes:

Nick: My simple child reaction of what you did is that you are not funny. Funnier than you is even Stuart Schlossman, who is my friend, and is eleven, and puts walnuts in his mouth and makes noises. What is not funny is to call us names, and what is mostly not funny is how sad you are, and I'd feel sorry for you if it wasn't for how dull you are. And those are the worst-tasting potato chips that I've ever tasted. And that's my opinion from the blue, blue sky.

Leo: There's the little guy. I've got a Chuckles statue for you.
Nick: Thank you, Mr. Herman. Imagine how pleased I am to receive it.

Nick: See, lady, he was developing into a bum. I mean, you don't want to see somebody you like developing into a bum and doing nutty things. You know what he does? He hollers. Like, we were on Park Avenue last Sunday, and it's very early in the morning, there's no one in the street, see, just all these big, quiet apartment houses; and he hollers, "Rich people, I want to see you all out on the street for volleyball! Let's snap it up!" And you know, sometimes, if we're in a crowded elevator some place, he'll turn to me and he'll say, "Max, there'll be no more of this self-pity. Now, you're forty; it's time you got used to being a midget!" And everybody stares. He has a wonderful time. What are you gonna do with someone who hollers like that?

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Barry Gordon Facts
He sang the song "I'm getting nuttin' for Christmas" a charming Christmas song from the early 50s

One son.

Proud sponsor of Camp Will-A-Way, a camp for the mentally and/or physically disabled

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